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:: MAX BLACK ::"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."--C.S. Lewis "The Swiss pocket knife of conservative thought on the web..." - Eli Kardrakian "Bookmark Max and dump your subscription to the newspaper; if you don't have a birdcage you really don't need it anyway..." - Shirley St. James | ||
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:: Monday, July 31, 2006 :: :: Saturday, July 29, 2006 ::If it's not Qana, it's Gitmo. Walmart pulling out of Germany because...:: Friday, July 28, 2006 :: This is rich: "U.N. Human Rights Committee: U.S. Must Better Protect Poor, Blacks". Well, maybe they're right. Next time a big hurricane smashes into the delta, Bush should just ask Koffi to send in the blue-helmuted UN 'Peacekeepers', they do such wonderful humanitarian work. Talk about hubris.:: Thursday, July 27, 2006 :: "An unscientific poll of posters at a Democratic Underground discussion board yields a result that maybe isn't so surprising: 72% of those responding say they are "dealing with severe mental illness in their home." Based on the URL, this appears to be genuine, not a spoof." No, you Zionist pig; the UN is just a neutral observer. Now way the UN would ever enter the fray - it's a lie. It's simply not true the UN would ferry Hizballah fighters in and out of the battle zone in UN marked ambulances...:: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 :: Kofi Annan is just a very small, impotent bureaucrat; par for the course for the clownish, incompetant United Nations:"Twenty-nine years later, the only goal that UNIFIL has achieved is the first, the verification of Israel’s complete withdrawal from Lebanon. Lou Minatti's property taxes are delinquent. Spread the word. MSM asleep at the wheel again.:: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 ::"I attended a talk this evening by my friend Cliff May of the esteemed Foundation for the Defense of Democracy , also attended by several Christian Lebanese. They were quite outspoken during the question period about those "civilians," implying that in their experience they were virtually all Hezbollah people or their allies, not innocent at all. Those Chrsitian Lebanese seemed quite knowledgable about the subject and the terrain - far more so than any of our MSM reporters. I took their cards and am going to try to get a hold of them tomorrow for a podcast with Pajamas Media/Politics Central. If our MSM doesn't want to find out what's happening, we're just going to have to do it ourselves (and with original sources, not anonymous ones)." Streisand AWOL: On a whim I just dropped in to see what the liberal chirp had to say about recent geopolitical events and discovered she hasn't posted to her "truth alerts" blog since April! Whattsamatta Babs, your silence is deafening. Roger L. Simon connects us to The Lebanese Bloggers. Go there. "Fouad Ajami described the function of Lebanon -- at least from Hassan Nasrallah's point of view -- as an arena in which to act out the geopolitical and religious rivalries of the region. Nasrallah had a choice between being Lebanese and being an agent of Iran. He chose to be an agent of Iran. And in order to prosper as an agent of Iran, he needed a country in chaos ". "The Jefferson-Joe Wilson Connection" how lovely. Why I love the blogosphere reason number 2,678,987 :: Monday, July 24, 2006 ::"For many reasons we know - Oil for Food, pathetic inaction on Darfur, the Durban Festival of Racism, "peacekeeping" sex scandals, persistent bias in favor of fascist states, etc., ad nauseum - the United Nations has fallen deeper and deeper into disrepute. Now - for those same reasons I imagine - Israel has indicated that if peacekeepers are to be installed on their Lebanese border, they must come from NATO, not the UN. Who can blame the Israelis? The last time UN troops were on their Lebanese border, they were all but accomplices to Hezbollah. If NATO does end up doing this job, it will be another - and especially withering - nail in the United Nations' coffin, driving the organization further into irrelevance. Perhaps we should call the UN Kofi's Koffin because - although others may have created the original conditions - he, more than anyone, allowed this to happen, a destroyer of dreams." "What The American Left Really Thinks About Israel: Tom Hyaden Explains It All For You":: Sunday, July 23, 2006 :: Holy, er, Moses. Air America founder and hyper Moonbat Sheldon Drobny blames - you guessed it - KKKarl Rove for unleashing the rampant anti-semitism posted on liberal blogs. This is just astoundingly retarded even for libs but par for the course for the "Progressive" bloggosphere lately. Slap me on da ass momma, this can't be really happening, can it? Of course it can. Chiraq is the newest recipient of a wierd Ahmadinejad letter. I figure these letters to various world leaders serve as a cryptic warning of some kind; he's probably got his hands on some WMD's - biological or nuclear - and is planning on using them. He's been hangin' out with Kim Jong Il; who knows what Mr. Ronery's selling him. One thing's for sure; these guys have been watching way too many James Bond movies. Well, and then there's this:"I invite the faithful to wait for good news,...We shall soon witness the elimination of the Zionist stain of shame." Don't know if this is for real or not. Looks like a raw, computer-generated translation of a letter purported to be from Hassan Nasrallah to Bashir Assad via Homelandsecurity.net. Seems plausible given the lack of support Nasrallah's getting from his Arab/Persian buddies. If it's genuine, Hizballah is on the ropes. "So wait - if Lebanese troops join the fight by defending Hizbullah (and wasn't the Lebanese story up until now that they couldn't control Hizbullah in southern Lebanon?), does this not mean that the Lebanese government will have in fact allied themselves with the aggressors in this war? And if that's the case, isn't it Israel's duty, given this bit of refreshing clarity, to defeat those members of the Lebanese army who would stand with Hizbullah? :: Saturday, July 22, 2006 ::"Maybe we should exchange Kofi for the kidnapped Israelis. He can spend the rest of his life trying to get his fancy suits dry-cleaned in a Palestinian refugee camp." Death Wish:: Friday, July 21, 2006 :: This is going to happen in my lifetime and, frankly, it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of venal petrocrats. [I knew an enterprising American would come up with this - sad to think what Muslims could do for humanity if they didn't spend most of their waking hours teaching their children to hate Jooz.] Cynthia McKinney Update"McKinney missed 19 votes over four days on the House floor, including an attempted override of President Bush's veto of a bill dealing with embryonic stem cell research, a constitutional amendment that would ban same-sex marriage and a bill designed to prevent federal courts from ruling on the constitutionality of the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. George Harleigh; Invisible Man:: Thursday, July 20, 2006 :: The silence is deafening: Lib bloggers go dark on Isreali/Hizballah conflict. This is either a.) Why they want to kill us, or b.) another dark, Rovian psyops to corrupt Muslim youths. You decide. Shock headline at LGF: Pentagon OKs $6B in Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia Bush approval numbers on rise after dropping the "S" bomb. In a sorta related development, Dem sugar-daddy George Soros bails out Air America with a cash infusion to keep the failing lib News Junkie Tip: Don't forget to drop in on DEBKAfile and for balance, the Lebanese Blogger Forum. "Although to be honest, I've been searching my Bible all morning (which is no easy feat, mind you, because that means I have to remove it from it's heavy glass encasement and untether the golden ribbon I use to keep it fastened so that its words don't illuminate the entire house in a blinding light that would almost certainly fuck up the kid's nap) and I can't find the bit where Christ counseled his flock against using earthy colloquialisms in conversations with other adults. But that's on me, most likely. I'm a shoddy Biblical scholar. On the plus side, though, my ignorance gives me the excuse I was looking for to rewatch The Passion of the Christ in High Def. So, silver linings and all that." Ironically, Minutemen program rocked by apparent accounting scandal. Way to go guys. The U.N. doing what it does best: graft and corruption.:: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 :: Yikes. Atlas got her freak on [Hey, I'm down wit it]. The Chinese, they're so, well, creative... Light at the end of the tunnel or oncomming train; you decide. "what we want from you" Quite a lot actually. Bush to address NAACP (!?) via Captain Ed. Go to this link "with suitable Fisk speed"... The black flag of Islam flying over the White House is a religious fantasy so utterly outlandish that only a severely brain-washed muslim could seriously entertain it. Some people actually believe this is a possibility folks. "Securitate adopted STASI's tactics and recruited children as young as 12!! Those children had to inform Securitate about the discussions of their parents, relatives, and teachers - whether they listen to Free Europe radio, or if they say jokes with political connotations, etc. Dang. Nice time to get a "real" job Michael.:: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 :: Boycott Hizballah? You can, really. You can. Shiver me timbers... "The Olmert government is eagerly exploiting this leisurely international climate to smash as much of Hizballah's terror machine as he can before Washington holds up a stop sign. Monday, July 17, a clutch of would-be ceasefire brokers descended on Beirut and Jerusalem. None came with Bush's nod, so they will not get very far." :: Monday, July 17, 2006 ::"It doesn't matter what your politics are, anyone who was genuine would appreciate the effort of one little man from Kabul spending a year of his life hand knotting this rug. I was told it was really a gift to the people of the United States from the people of Afghanistan for assisting in the stabilization of the region. It was a labor of love and is a gift from the heart." The Singularity - It's Here! Here's the whole deal in a nutshell via Imshin. Poor Tin Foil Man. He's lost his penis and Master won't be happy. Valerie Plame has everybody scratching their heads at why she intends to file a lawsuit against Vice President Dick Cheney, ex-Cheney aide Scooter Libby and senior presidential adviser Karl Rove. I mean, she couldn't possibly prevail, could she? Depends on your definition of success. India censoring bloggers "While New Orleans prepares for life in [Brad] Pitt-endorsed eco-huts, the actor has been scoping out 20-acre properties (complete with vineyards) in the Italian countryside." News Junkie tip: For breaking news on the ME "crisis", check-out Haaretz.com.:: Saturday, July 15, 2006 :: Roger Simon is recommending Imshin, an Israeli blogger for more on events in the Middle East. I'm sold.:: Friday, July 14, 2006 :: Well, that didn't take long: Zidane, The Flash Game! The Big Pharaoh has a broad and measured perspective on the situation in the Middle East. Stay tuned here. UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) -- Lebanon urged the U.N. Security Council on Friday to quickly impose a cease-fire between Israel and Lebanon, but Israel said it was trying to free its neighbor from terrorist occupation and insisted the Beirut government secretly backed its actions. Reality check for Mr. Abu Shakha dah:: Thursday, July 13, 2006 ::"This idiot Nasrallah. He is so funny. He keeps on issuing threats, he has no idea what he is talking about. What Israel is doing to him now is just gentle padding on the shoulders. Abou Shakha dah didn't see what we saw. Israel fought on 3 fronts in 1967 and it was hell. I was there, I saw it all. He has no tanks, no boats, he has nothing except a few toys he got from Iran [and some clever Hamas DIY stuff* -Ed] and it seems abu shakha dah don't know that Israel confronted 3 of the most powerful armies in the region at the same time. If Israel wanted to brutally crush him it can do so in 1 hour." Heeb Hunting?! Well, ya, yet another ignorant cult of bigoted clowns with way too much time on their hands. Wow. This is just bizarre. Where the hell is the National Guard and why aren't we shutting this sh*t down - like pronto? Go figure. :: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 ::"Enough! Enough wars, death and destruction! Curse you Hezbollah to hell and back! For all this destruction, for all this death! No it is not Israel fault! It is your own! Curse you! Keep your eye on Kesher Talk for updates on the critical situation in Israel. Whatever happened to Kos?:: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 ::"Why the hell should anyone care about Kos? He's so 2004, an eternity in the blogosphere. He's reduced to being a joke party hack in it for the money. 10 years from now he'll be featured on some 'Whatever happened to...?'" website. Well, duh... Leftists expose their soft, bigoted, racist, yellow underbelly. Wow. Every immigrant, illegal or otherwise - and probably most public school students and educators - should be required by law to watch this little looney-toonesesque film [over and over until they get it. -ed.]. It's obviously designed to be simple enough for even netroot-liberals to comprehend: Make Mine Freedom courtesy Joe Noory, No Pasaran! :: Monday, July 10, 2006 ::"Every time liberals force universities to lower standards for black applicants, and every time liberal activists force civil service exams to be rewritten so that more blacks can pass those exams, another person learns not to treat blacks and their ideas as he would anyone else's. This just in: Top Ten Acedemics who believe 9/11 was an elobarate Neocon conspiracy to control the world. Sheesh, you'd think these people would be a PR embarrassment for the institutions involved but alas, apparently not. Get your global priorities straight"Mr. Lomborg grins and says that before the event he briefed the ambassadors: "Several of them looked down the list and said 'Wait, I want to put a No. 1 by each of these projects, they are all so important.' And I had to say, 'Yeah, uh, that's exactly the point of this exercise--to make you not do that.'" So rank they did. And perhaps no surprise, their final list looked very similar to that of the wise economists. At the top were better health care, cleaner water, more schools and improved nutrition. At the bottom was . . . global warming." :: Friday, July 07, 2006 ::"Now, we have the blogosphere, the virtual guillotine. We don't chop the heads off stupid people, we just chop the heads off stupid people's ideas. Maybe the world is making progress after all." Now Playing: Comical Chinese Take-out phone-prank via BoingBoing.:: Thursday, July 06, 2006 :: Alert: WTC/9/11 Conspiracy!:: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 :: Er, get - a - life - dude...:: Saturday, July 01, 2006 :: Metaphore for France as "political and economic engine of Zeropa" or warmup for the Tour de France; you decide.
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