:: Monday, November 06, 2006 ::
Pre-election Maxatorial
It's 10:25 Central Time on the eve of the '06 midterm elections and the political junkies on both sides of the political devide are combing the blogs for any sign that their team has an edge on the competition. If you believe the polls, many of these critical races are well within the 3 point margin of error making for a white-knuckle run-off and late-night jitters for all those involved. Because many of the races are so tight, broadcast media, remembering well the exit-polling disaster of the '04 cycle, are indicating they'll downplay exit-polling results in favor of a more patient and measured approach in their election coverage. Fat chance.
Although they may well be reluctant to share incomming exit-polling results with their viewers in real time, the pompous talking heads are famous for unabashedly telegraphing their sentiments and a simple glance at Russert's facial expression gives the game away every time. If it appears as though the Republicans will hold, Russert and his peers in the drive-by will don a dour, moody circumspective mein, speculating on what went wrong [they musta stole it again!]. Conversely, if early indications are that the Dems are sweeping, Russert & Co., unable to contain their jubilation, will be glad-handing the Democratic userpers with glee and it'll be wall-to-wall "Speaker of the House" Nancy Pelosi until the lights go out. That's right, if the Dems win control of either or both houses, the American public will witness a months worth of post-election Liberal hubris the likes of which has never been seen in American politics.
If the Republicans hold? MSM in conjunction with the trial lawyers and nutroots in the Liberal base will focus their entire arsenal on yet another complex, evil [but ill defined] Rovian conspiracy to undermine the Democratic process, casting a black cloud over the whole shebang.
Thankfully however, Al Gore invented this internet thingy so this political junkie will no longer have to suffer the likes of Russert, Matthews, Couric and their ilk in the process. In all likelyhood, I'll sleep through it all - sans TV - and wake up at 4:00 in the morning and check in with Drudge for a quick and honest recap without all the Lib posturing [just the facts mam]. I might be disappointed with the end-result but I will not have suffered the condescention of an agendized, shamefully propagandized media that's so out of touch with an enourmous sector of the American public. Ditto for the morning paper; buying ink by the barrel doesn't cut it anymore.
:: Max 10:38 PM [+] ::