:: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 ::
Roger L. Simon sums it all up nicely:
"Only the Greek playwright's manic disposition could correctly characterize the times in which we live when the semi-sex life of an obscure congressman leads to the downfall of an administration and the rise of Nancy Pelosi (!) as Speaker of the House followed by... what... impeachment hearings? Lysistrata anyone? Meanwhile, does anyone think it is ironic that so-called progressives who excoriated eavesdropping on terrorists are feasting on the publication of supposedly confidential email and IMs? You can forget about privacy. It no longer exists, if it ever did. The Patriot Act, if you think about it, is on some levels a joke, the Constitution a sideshow. The craven and rapacious stalk the corridors of power egged on by a loathesome media as hypocrisy rules and child abuse rears its ugly head with the age of consent debated by people whose only interest is their own ambitions. Meanwhile, lost in the shadows, an enemy whose "Messenger" married a nine -year old watches and waits." Actually, I'm far less concerned about the threat of the barbaric, psycopathic Islamic Kill-Bots than I am about rampant corruption in Western media. In my life, I've never experienced such breathtaking and patently obvious dishonesty - in both media and politics. It's offensive on so many levels but shocking too; I really never thought it would get this bad in my lifetime.
:: Max 9:27 PM [+] ::