:: Thursday, September 21, 2006 ::
Disappointing note: Malalai Joya, Afghanistan's youngest MP lays it on the line and I cannot say that I disagree much with her assessment: The US is screwing up.
Not that the tremendous political constraints posed by a bizzarro-world of all-male "warlords" is an enormously difficult task for coalition forces to overcome, [at this juncture it seems very nearly impossible] I had just hoped for a really new approach where, er, reason prevails [ya, I'm hopelessly optimistic]. But frankly, I'm getting used to this kind of dissapointment, at least where the Middle East is concerned.
But one caveat Ms Joya: normal, everyday Muslims - if they are to ever change their sad plight - are going to have to face-off not only to the stinky, ignorant mullahs that have their boots on the peoples necks but to the ever-increasing global pressures that demand a wholesale reformation of the theological/political structure of the Middle East. And even America with all of her blood and treasure can't make that happen without the courage of those under the boot to make those changes happen. In the mean-time, I guess everybody can just blame their tragic plight on the Great Satan; It won't change a thing but if it makes people feel better...
:: Max 8:13 PM [+] ::