:: ::


"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." --C.S. Lewis
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:: Saturday, September 30, 2006 ::

"Since 1948, the number of Muslims killed by the Americans and Israelis combined is still less than the number killed by the French. And the number of Muslims killed by the French, Israelis, and Americans combined is still less than the number killed by the Soviets/Russians. And the number of Muslims killed by the Soviets, Russians, French, Israelis, and Americans, combined, is still about 1/3 of the number of Muslims who have been killed by Muslim states."

Well, it's true.

:: Max 10:38 PM [+] ::
:: Friday, September 29, 2006 ::
Intelligence on Bush's side [?!]:
"For those who say the war in Iraq has spread terrorism, surely the October 2001 invasion of the terrorists' home base, Afghanistan, had already done that. The 2002 bombings in Bali happened before Iraq, as did the attack on the USS Cole in 2000 and many other terrorist incidents.

"I know these facts are quoted by Bush and John Howard, yet they are still facts and the logic that flows from them remains logical. Jihadism took off way before Iraq and there is no reason to think it needed Iraq to explode."

Yes, the "logic that flows from" the facts remains logical to everybody who is rational. Sadly...

:: Max 10:51 PM [+] ::
Frenchy's finally got a clue:
"You will never feel secure on this earth. One billion, three hundred thousand Muslims are ready to kill you."

"first they came for the Jews..."

:: Max 10:20 PM [+] ::
"an orgy of government-issued credit card expenditures and last-minute quotes for purchases over $2,500"

Lou Minatti has it [with pictures].

:: Max 10:15 PM [+] ::
Here's an important message from the Mexican Department of Immigration.

:: Max 4:26 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, September 28, 2006 ::
Every American should see this video of the aftermath of a homicide bus-bombing. These are the only rules Islamofascists play by and they're gunning for you Yankee: WARNING-VERY GRAPHIC.

:: Max 12:32 PM [+] ::
Slavery reparations update: Click

:: Max 12:20 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, September 25, 2006 ::
Kieth Olberman confirms every stereotype I've ever held about talking heads. For the most part, they're pathetic clowns.

:: Max 10:36 PM [+] ::
:: Friday, September 22, 2006 ::
Well whattaya know, an honest MSM journalist: Thomas Edsall, Unplugged via Hugh Hewitt. [liberal to conservative ratio in MSM 25:1 Democrat!? Who knew?]

:: Max 4:05 PM [+] ::
Wow. The Village Voice (?!) does a nice job with Sharia Law under Ahmedinejad: "Stoning Women to Death"

More: The "Religion of Peace" in action [>]

:: Max 11:32 AM [+] ::
:: Thursday, September 21, 2006 ::
I can't believe we can put a human-being on the frickin' moon but we still don't have home-delivery White Castles. Hmmmfph

:: Max 9:07 PM [+] ::
Disappointing note: Malalai Joya, Afghanistan's youngest MP lays it on the line and I cannot say that I disagree much with her assessment: The US is screwing up.

Not that the tremendous political constraints posed by a bizzarro-world of all-male "warlords" is an enormously difficult task for coalition forces to overcome, [at this juncture it seems very nearly impossible] I had just hoped for a really new approach where, er, reason prevails [ya, I'm hopelessly optimistic]. But frankly, I'm getting used to this kind of dissapointment, at least where the Middle East is concerned.

But one caveat Ms Joya: normal, everyday Muslims - if they are to ever change their sad plight - are going to have to face-off not only to the stinky, ignorant mullahs that have their boots on the peoples necks but to the ever-increasing global pressures that demand a wholesale reformation of the theological/political structure of the Middle East. And even America with all of her blood and treasure can't make that happen without the courage of those under the boot to make those changes happen. In the mean-time, I guess everybody can just blame their tragic plight on the Great Satan; It won't change a thing but if it makes people feel better...

:: Max 8:13 PM [+] ::
As if national polls weren't bad enough, MSM is now conducting "World Polls", just another drum-beat in their relentless "hate America" symphony. But there is a poll they'll never do because they know the answer and this poll has only one question: Given the choice, [and a free plane-ticket and guaranteed citizenship] would you prefer to live in a) the United States of America or b) the country you presently reside in? To my knowledge, nobody's trying to sneak across the border to get into Venezuela [or Iran, or North Korea, or Syria, or Russia, or Cuba...]

:: Max 7:36 PM [+] ::
Dang. I'm really losing faith here.

:: Max 12:00 AM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 ::
Many intelligent people believe Western Europe is on the edge of the cultural abyss. But instead of an emerging 21st century Churchill the world gets a vichy-era weasle like Jacques Chirac.

:: Max 9:38 PM [+] ::
Wow. Kim Jong Il just gave Ahmendinejad some fancy new toys to play with. Wonder if he'll share them with his other whack-job, dictator buddies Chavez and Castro?

Related: Val Prieto warns US: The Three Amigos are in your backyard (and those aren't bb guns they'er pointing...)

More: Apparently, MSM doesn't want you to read Ahmeninejad's speech to the UN.

Also related: Thomas Sowell on "Suicidal hand-wringing"

:: Max 8:15 PM [+] ::
"On a personal note, speaking for my family (Cubans and Puerto Ricans) I have to say that Venezuelans are among our favorite people in the world. We are in a sense part of the same cultural nation, which I call the "salsa jurisdiction." We speak the same Caribbean Spanish, we admire each other's music and generally get along great. The day Chavez falls, the streets of Caracas will turn into the biggest fiesta of our times, and I will be right there."

:: Max 4:36 PM [+] ::
Now Playing: Cockroach terrorizes gay weatherman [>]

:: Max 4:30 PM [+] ::
Roger Simon on the state of the UN:
"As I have written numerous times on this blog, I am a supporter of the UN. (That is why I was so outraged by Oil-for-Food.) But now I wonder if it's salvageable as do, no doubt, many Americans whose tax dollars provide the primary support for what looks increasingly like a social club for sociopaths (Chavez, Ahmadinejad) and kleptocrats (Chirac, Kofi and the whole Oil-for-Food crowd.) What started out as a great liberal idea has turned into an almost perfectly reactionary institution - a common metamorphosis, alas. And after this change, as is also often common, an entirely new class has risen up to protect the institution and its perquisites. The question confronting us now is how to break this pattern."

Currently, the vast, undereducated third-world is running headlong into a highly technical, educated and civilized world they simply do not understand. Throw in a healthy dose of fascist ideology, fervent religious zealotry and a nuke or two and things could get out of hand very quickly. It will be interesting to see how the West tackles this challenge. But only one thing is certain; the feckless UN will be of no help whatever should these despots attempt to make good on their clownish threats at world domination.

:: Max 12:58 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 ::
Er, "Senator" Robert Horton and "President" Joseph Charles have a very important message for you. Just go watch it.

:: Max 4:29 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, September 18, 2006 ::
No, I'm not lazy - just very busy. Here are a few quick-links to pick up the slack:

Sweden has been held up as the shining example of a European socialist state but as its economy sputters to a standstill it's rather becoming a text-book case in the flaws inherent in such a ridiculous utopian fantasy. Want socialism? Here's what it looks like. But hey, there's good news. Gorgeous right-wing Swedish babes are celebrating a rare political victory to "throw the commie bums out". Thanks Joe!

The journos at the Miami Herald rip a page out of Castro's playbook and warp the "news" to fit their ideological agenda [while pissing-off about 90% of what's left of their readership]. Meanwhile, 90 miles away, all of your favorite international despots met in Havana to discuss the demise of the Great Satan. A good time was had by all.

This is really important: German media debunker, Ray, at Davids Medienkritik will not be able to carry-on as he has in the past leaving a gaping hole in the German blogosphere. He is looking for guest bloggers to fill the gap. Also, if you appreciate the good work Medienkritik does, hit the tip-jar. This stuff takes time and money and nothing says lovin' like finding a grand in the tip jar. Really, this is an important resource so help if you can.

Finally, Pamela, at Atlas Shrugs has kinda morphed into the goto girl for all things Israel. Just noticed she's got that Dhimmi, metro-sexual coward, Jacques Chiraq conceding to a nuke-nut Ahmedinejad. Probably won't see this in the MSM: "France suggested today that Iran would not have to freeze crucial nuclear activities until after the talks began". Well, at least you can say this about the man - he's consistant.

One last entry: Why the terrorists struck the World Trade Center in their own words. Their "reasons" might suprise you.

:: Max 7:23 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 ::
"No Measurable Audience"

After bankruptcy, Air America will "continue its broadcast" via - get this - "conference call". I'm not kidding.

:: Max 11:11 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, September 11, 2006 ::

Pictured above, a few of the - "little Eichman's" - of 9/11/2001.

:: Max 12:22 AM [+] ::
:: Sunday, September 03, 2006 ::
Hey Lefty: I got your Boutique Multiculturalism right here.

Somehow Related: Nanny-State Nightmare.

:: Max 10:13 AM [+] ::

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