:: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 ::
A message the "feminist" left is loath to hear:
"If a feminist dares raise the specter of Jew-hatred and the demonization of the Jewish state among leftists and feminists, she will quickly discover that she has become unwelcome in the mainstream media and among leftists (who actually think of themselves as liberals), and among feminists. Palestinianized Western feminists are more concerned with the so-called occupation of a country that does not exist (Palestine), than with the occupation of women's bodies worldwide under Islam. The fact that feminists and leftists still continue to call for boycotts of Israel and to actively demonstrate against a war-time president even after 9/11, 3/11, and 7/7 tells me that they have literally been brainwashed and that reality has no defining role in determining their thoughts or their actions."
--Phyllis Chesler
Much, much more via No Pasaran
Like spoilt children, the western feminist clamps her hands over her ears, stamps her feet and screams "Nooooo!" when presented with these uncomfortable realities. In fact, today's "liberal" feminist is simply a coward, knowing that if she ever ventured into the heart of the Middle East to protest the barbaric "honor killings" or forced clitorectomies she would be summarily shot by the Muslim Brotherhood. When the rare courageous voice finally speaks out, like Hirsi Ali, or Phyllis Chesler, they are booted from the women's-club and silenced. It's utterly bizzare but such is the mind of the contemporary "feminist".
Update: LGF has just posted a must-see interview with Hirsi Ali. This woman is tremendously courageous; they'll kill her someday. They will.
:: Max 2:15 PM [+] ::