:: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 ::
Q&O's Dale Franks on Charlie Sheen:
"Wow. There's so much stupidity here, it's hard to know where to begin." BDS takes yet another victim. And everybody is so worried about avian flu!? Maybe one of the big pharmaceutical companies should be looking into, you know, a BDS vaccine. They'd do a land office business in Hollywierd.
Technical Note: Anybody who thinks you can fly a commercial airliner with a full load of jet fuel into a 100+ story skyscraper WITHOUT a catastophic structural failure is smokin' crack. Any -- and I mean any -- credible structural engineer will tell you that the type of failure experienced at the WTC on 9-11 was imminently predictable. The floors above the crash area pancaked onto the floors below leading to a logical chain reaction. It was an entirely predictable catastrophic failure. Iron framed superstructures do not like massive fireballs - no matter what Mr. Sheen and his deranged ilk claim. That anyone would take Sheen's ridiculous claim seriously is testament to the intellectual capacity of way too many undereducated Americans - including, apparently, Mr. Sheen. Frighteningly, had the original attack on the WTC been more effective, the structure might have very well toppled rather than pancaked leading to a much greater loss of life. OBL has extensive experience with heavy construction [and high explosives] and was probably able to calculate - with great precision - that it was simply not practical to insert enough explosive into the garage area of the WTC to cause "toppling" failure so he opted for plan B - pancake - and it worked with chilling efficiency. OBL might be insane but he's certainly not stupid.
:: Max 10:15 PM [+] ::