:: Saturday, November 12, 2005 ::
"Oh boy! The coalition that nobody wants is finally here! I mean, nobody with the slightest bit of sense could be for this, could they? But it looks like another 'grand coalition', the first one in over 39 years, will take charge (not) after all. Together, these two great 'people’s parties' CDU/CSU and SPD will tackle (not) unemployment by bringing worker deductions (unemployment insurance, health insurance, retirement insurance, taxes) to a level below 40 percent (not) which will increase consumer spending (not) and encourage companies to hire more people (not). Then they will cut spending (not) by making painful cuts in public spending everywhere (not) and getting rid of or reducing a few special interest group's favorite subsidies (not).
"But first, and this they will most certainly do, they will raise the sales tax to 19 percent and tax the #!*?$%#! out of a few so-called rich who haven't left the county yet like all their buddies did long, long ago. And all the natives I know seem to think that this is a necessary, reasonable and, well, good thing to do." -Davids Medienkritik? (not)
:: Max 4:19 PM [+] ::