:: Monday, November 14, 2005 ::
French riots: Where are the "detainees" being held?
"FRANCE'S prisons are the worst in Europe and their cells are akin to dungeons in the Middle Ages...Hygiene is "deplorable", with inmates crowded into filthy, rat-infested cells, leading to an explosion in the number of prisoners with infectious diseases...French jails suffered from overcrowding, bad hygiene, rising violence and suicide rates of more than six times the national average - France has Europe's highest suicide rate among prisoners...Violence and revolt against the prison authorities have also increased dramatically - there was a 155 per cent rise in the number of riots last year...Dr Veronique Vasseur said inmates lived in squalor, surrounded by rats and cockroaches, and were subject to brutal rapes and fist fights which were daily occurrences.
"The place remains an inhuman nightmare," she said, "an eternal shame to France." Given the option, the Muslims held in French prisons would undoubtedly choose Gitmo over the "penitencier" every single time.
Update: Here's more on Dr Veronique Vasseur's work in French prisons.
:: Max 10:13 PM [+] ::