:: Saturday, July 23, 2005 ::
"Now that's news!"
"Hmmm. Sadly, I'm starting to think "freedom-loving press" is an oxymoron, at least when we're talking about someone's freedom besides their own. This little puff piece seems a rather grotesque paean to the sadistic, tyrannical rapists and murderers that were Saddam's sons. Like most media bias, it's not even so much what it says ("fond memories of Uday and Qusay," all reference to their vicious brutality assiduously omitted from mention - oh, and the guy who turned them in? a dirtbag), but just the fact that they're reporting this crap (sorry, can't come up with a more fitting word) rather than the historic creation of a consensual, constitutional gov't with defined individual liberties. Ho-hum, democracy and freedom being codified for 25 million people. Yawn. Hey, look! Some of Saddam's old followers miss the tyrant princes! Now that's news!" MSM: liars, cowardly apologists, poseurs and quacks...
:: Max 12:22 AM [+] ::