:: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 ::
From Alaa's mouth to Allah's ears:
"What has reminded me of this right now in the present situation is a sentence of Isaac Deutscher which I can never forget. It goes something like this: "God help those whom the Jews take it into their head to be their enemies!!" What is so striking about this sentence is that it applies precisely to the Arabs as well. You may draw your own inferences from this which may throw some light on the madness that is going on in these days.
"It has struck me suddenly, that perhaps one of the main mystic keys to defusing the whole thing is to bring about a real historic reconciliation between these two surviving branches of the Semitic race, and I don't mean just solving the Israeli-Palestinian problem, but something far more profound than that. Is this not the real challenge for the non-Semitic western broker, for his own peace and safety, if not for anything else?"
Salaam, Shalom
- Alaa
:: Max 4:04 PM [+] ::