:: Sunday, June 26, 2005 ::
Re; the 'Kelo Decision', here's the Clermont Institute's "The Vanishing Right to Property" via Powerline; an excerpt:
"In one of the most famous Federalist papers, Federalist 10, James Madison wrote that the first object of government was the protection of the diversity of the faculties of men, from which the rights of property originate. The right to acquire and protect property was considered to be one of the fundamental, inalienable natural rights of mankind, and it is recognized as such in most of the original state constitutions and nearly all of the subsequent state constitutions. Pennsylvania's Constitution of 1776 is fairly typical, recognizing "That all men are born equally free and independent, and have certain natural, inherent, and inalienable rights, amongst which are, the enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety."
"Last week, the Supreme Court dealt a severe blow to the fundamental right of property owners to possess and actually use the property for which they had labored in their own pursuit of happiness."
The way things are going in this country, this moronic decision is hardly surprising. The United States Constitution has just been torn to pieces and thrown into our faces folks. The Supreme's have just given the hacks on your local city council the power to take it all for a "higher use". We've been had.
Well, at least our undereducated children won't blame us when their property is confiscated by their Government; because they've no knowlege of the constitution - and could care less about it anyway - they'll simply assume it was like that all along. My dear father is spinning in his grave. [It's not your fault Dad, you warned me].
Update: Here's how you can fight back.
:: Max 4:49 PM [+] ::