:: Thursday, June 30, 2005 ::
Knocking Over the Monopoly Board: The Kelo Decision
Main Entry: im mi nent
Function: adjective Etymology: Latin imminent-, imminens, present participle of imminEre to project, threaten, from in- + -minEre (akin to Latin mont-, mons mountain) -- more at MOUNT
: ready to take place; especially : hanging threateningly over one's head {was in imminent danger of having his home and business confiscated by the freakin' government} - im mi nent ly adverb
Mrs. Max and I own a rehabed loft/storefront surrounded on all four sides by multi-million dollar commercial loft developments. Aided and abbetted by our psuedo-public/private "Economic Development Corporation", many of the local developers have used these "economic development tools", including condemnation or imminent domain to grease the rails of progress. So far, they haven't targeted our little property [to our knowledge anyway] but it's probably just a matter of time. The Kelo Decision makes us lay awake at night, I can assure you.
:: Max 6:28 PM [+] ::