:: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 ::
The Classic Runaround
Jeff Jarvis is having a problem with his Dell computer and their Customer Service department. Coincidentally, our local Fox affiliate is airing and ongoing "Problem Solver" segment on a DOA Dell computer that Dell has been unable to resolve for many months leaving the customer with little more than a hefty credit card bill and disappointed children who can't figure out why daddy can't get the expensive new computer to work. Not long ago - and largely because they reputedly had such terrific service - I purchased a new Dell Inspiron AND the pricey extended warranty package to accompany it, something I rarely do with other electronic items. So far, I've been lucky and the Inspiron remains glitch-free, however, in view of these stories, I'm far less likely to trust them again. Jarvis has far more readers than I do, many of them tech-savy. Hopefully, his "Dell Service Sucks" post will reach someone in management who can fix the freakin' fixers before I need 'em - and I know I will.
[hey, you in the Customer Service department - WAKE UP!]
:: Max 4:52 PM [+] ::