:: Sunday, June 05, 2005 ::
"Blogging won't wipe out journalism, for the simple reason that journalism requires skills and resources that bloggers will never have."
John Naughton, The Observer
Umm...blogging is journalism - on steroids - and what it will "wipe out" is all the pretentious, inacurate, agendized bloviating by the likes of - well - Dan Rather. As their circulation numbers free-fall, as viewership disappears, so-called main-stream-media will die with a whimper. A child born today will not suffer the media of my father's generation. American Digest gives 'em five years. I'd say that's pretty optimistic.
[Oops, except for public TV and Radio of course; in five years they'll still be bloviating but we won't be watching or listening - we'll just be paying for it...]
Update: It's happening before their very eyes...
:: Max 11:32 AM [+] ::