:: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 ::
Workarounds and the Poetry of Data
I dropped in to Jeff Jarvis and he pointed me to Matt McAlister who's engineered a really notable news-aggregating hack. However, in scanning McAlister's site, I also noticed his precient observation that Firefox usage was eroding Explorer's usage on his site's traffic logs. Given Microsoft's death-grip on the browser, this is a fascinating statistic that deserves broader coverage. I guess savy bloggers like McAlister are more suited to such tasks than the local newspaper's tech columnist. This is just another instance where MSM seems so inept and distant from the mosh-pit that is the blogosphere. I mean, why haven't I read this in my newspaper? [oh, forgot...I don't read the newspaper anymore].
It's a jillion little epiphanies like this, by a jillion free-agents that continues to inflate the blogosphere to such unimagined proportions--was there once a time without a blogosphere?! I can't even imagine it now, I really can't.
:: Max 10:29 PM [+] ::