:: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 ::
Politically Incorrect Germany
Many Americans still don't grasp the fact that Germany, like many other countries (such as Canada), have a nationalized media. Try to imagine what it would be like if PBS and NPR, as an arm of the Federal Government, controlled all the print and broadcast media in America (God forbid). Some creative Germans have had enough of this sham and are inventing an independent media:
"There is virtually no independent electronic news media in Germany. Go to the text pages of ARD and ZDF and compare news headlines. They are usually identical. Imagine what Germans would say if the only news available in the United States came from a government funded source. Not only would it rightly be catagorized as a conflict of interest, it would be dismissed as propaganda. But no one in Germany raises an eyebrow when the entire German media market adopts a position identical with its Chancellor as witnessed during the war in Iraq.
Once again, Germany is a prisoner of its past..." Bloggers all over the world are having a field day trouncing their nationalized-media counterparts with insightful reporting. Germany's Davids Medienkritik deserves some kinda blog award for their extraordinary efforts. Check in daily.
:: Max 1:29 PM [+] ::