:: Saturday, April 23, 2005 ::
No Excuses?
Well, maybe one or two little ones: Haven't been blogging because a) I've got the damndest case of bronchitist I've ever had (my chest is aching); b) I'm punch-drunk from the downer-tedium of the blogosphere--from LGF to DU; from Atrios to Instapundit--I'm all busted; and c) I've been spending 4 days a week in the gym which has distracted greatly from my news addiction. However, Jeff Jarvis pointed me to a wonderful site that I think is, well, futuristic. So I've mustered up the energy (after having completed roughly 600 reps) to pass along to you (via Jarvis) Firehouse.com. Geez I love this internet thingy (cough cough).
:: Max 12:14 AM [+] ::