:: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 ::
Eason Jordan
The media fallout from the Eason Jordan affair is typical. Instead of MSM demanding the release of the Davos video which would ostensibly exonerate Jordan (no?), legacy media has it's collective panties in a knot about the blogosphere!? Yes, the Pajamahadeen are storming the gates of Black Rock, they tell us, the "drooling morons" with pitchforks have erected the gallows and are preparing an old-fashioned, mob-style lynching of the media elite.
As usual Jeff Jarvis, (who is quickly becoming the resident ethicist of the blogosphere) gets it right and MSM--with a few notable exceptions--has it all wrong. MSM, listen up:
"Welcome to the new world of journalism, where every witness to news can report the news, thanks to the internet; where every citizen can question the powerful, thanks to the internet; where every speaker can be a pundit, thanks to the internet. Journalism is no longer the closed society of the gatekeepers. Journalism can no longer just lecture; now it must listen. News is freed from the limitations of paper and schedules and reporters' pens. Journalists should welcome the help, for journalists should believe that more information yields a more informed society and that is our goal.
Yep. All we ever wanted was a little unvarnished truth from the blow-dried, sun-tanned guys and gals that WE enfranchised with the responsibility to go after it. Instead, we get Rathergate, Easongate and Jayson Blair. Interesting how the pugnacious, investigative "truth-seekers" scream like spoiled children when the gaping maw of the television camera is shoved into their faces; comment Mr. Jordan?...Mr. Rather?
:: Max 10:06 AM [+] ::