:: Thursday, December 09, 2004 ::
Mouse and Frog Battle
Powerline and The Corner are both getting a little snitty over the Whizbang "Best Blog" awards. Many years ago, when two great mathematicians were arguing over a philosophical point regarding infinity, they appealed to Einstein for intervention. Einstein remarked that he had no interest in intervening in a "mouse and frog battle".
When I wake up in the morning, (and before I go to bed, and when I take a break around noon) I go to Drudge for breaking news and then, I immediately click over to either Powerline, The Corner or Instapundit (in no particular order) because I know they are all very good news and opinion resources, maintained by very intelligent and thoughtful individuals with a wide range of professional experience. In all honesty, these blogs, in conjunction with other web resources such as RealClearPolitics, and the Opinion Journal have become serious contenders in the race to replace newspapers and the nightly news. But let's get real here: the individual who invented hyperlinks deserves the real award, for were it not for him (or her or them or Al Gore), none of this would be possible.
I have fairly well ignored the "best of" blog awards because, as Einstein remarked of the battle between two great mathematical geniuses, it's simply a "frog and mouse battle" that has little impact on the weightier issues at hand--and besides--it's becoming increasingly tedious to continue to trip over all the shameless vote blegging on all contender's blogs.
Looking back over recent history, and considering bizarre phenomenon such as RatherGate, one can only conclude that the blogosphere has become an indespensible media tool that millions of humans--from Baghdad to Kansas City--rely for the dissemination of facts and propagation of memes. Every link in the chain, every node in the matrix is critical for the system to work--just ask "Buckhead".
:: Max 1:07 PM [+] ::