:: Thursday, November 18, 2004 ::
I know, I haven't been posting since the election.
Here's the deal--I'm 'remodeling'--my world is upside-down. Now, I should know better, I've been in the construction industry for most of my adult life and I can deal with many of the routine problems associated with having the house all torn up. However...
The wife? That's another deal entirely. Although I've been the victim of scorn from many a disgruntled housewife, no one has ever been quite as intolerant and picky as my loving spouse--she's the worst customer I've ever had.
I'm tired...the dishwasher is installed but I haven't swept the carpets from the dust from the plaster removal and it's almost midnight. To make matters worse, I'm out of beer. But this I promise you...
I'll be up before sunise to recap come hell or high water (which is a distinct possibility!)
Thanks for dropping by, I'm fairly amazed (and somewhat humbled) you all keep checking in--despite my eradic posting--Thanks and may you never-ever have to procure a 3/8 X 3/8 (diswasher), no-burst, braided stainless steel, connection with an angel-stop ever again!
:: Max 9:58 PM [+] ::