:: Saturday, November 20, 2004 ::
It's Working
The 'Bush Doctrine' appears to be spreading throughout the middleast but I never thought--at least in my lifetime--I'd see something like this coming out of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip--check out this post via Blogs of War.
Related: Also, don't miss this post by The American Thinker's Olivier Guitta on the evolution of post-Arafat Palestine. Here's an excerpt:
"For the past ten years, Arafat has been ruling the PA like his own kingdom. He has installed a terror regime, which allows him to control every aspect of its 'territories.' Between the atrocious killings of "collaborators" and constant threats on journalists and "democrats," Palestinians have been too afraid to rebel against the Arafat Kingdom (AK).
But things might be changing: Friday's kidnappings of the security chief and five French social workers inside Gaza, plus Prime Minister Abu Ala's resignation, and the burning of PA offices might constitute the beginning of a revolt."
Update: This article lends a rational perspective to the reality of 'democracy' in the middle east.
:: Max 6:37 PM [+] ::