:: Thursday, November 04, 2004 ::
"How Are We Going to Survive The Next Four Years?"
Emma Brockes, Professional Handwringer, UK Guardian:
At lunchtime, friends from America woke up and joined the chorus. With a defeated sneer, the Brits among them threatened to move home in protest; it isn't hard to imagine a Republican reply to this. "There's going to be a brain drain from this country which will leave the Red-State [Republican] morons to fend for themselves," wrote an American on the Guardian talk-boards. "I wonder what the immigration requirements are like in the UK?"
A friend in New York wrote: "The one consolation that people are clinging to is that he will fuck things up so badly in the next four years that the Democrats will move back into favour. That's if we still have a world." People in the city, he said, were wondering, "How we are going to survive the next four years. Unbelievable." I rang my cousin in Chicago. "I'm good," she said. "Well, no, actually, not great." The hope thing had prospered there, too. "We thought we were going to win. Bruce Springsteen ... the youth vote ... "
The Captain has more with pithy commentary here [>]
Update: The Captain has also posted an amazing smack-down of Nancy Pelosi's reaction to the Bush win--definitely a must-read [>]
:: Max 1:09 AM [+] ::