:: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 ::
6:50 PM Kansas City
PoliPundit is reporting that "a senior Bush campaign official was saying, 'Ohio is won, Florida is won, and Pennsylvania is tied.' Then Shannon Coffin noted a White House source saying, 'Confident that Bush will win OH and FL, that he will roll in WVa (ten points?) and that Mel Martinez will carry Florida."
However, the Corner is reporting Tradesports has bush tanking on the dismal exit-poll reports and suggests now might be a good time to buy low and sell high (so to speak).
Of course, everybody is cautioning against calling it either way at this point, given what happened in 2000--this thing could still go either way. And don't forget, both camps are biting at the bit to call it for their respective candidate to win the momentum if this thing turns out to be another 2 point disaster. If it's within the margine of error, look for both Kerry and Bush to claim victory and throw the ballots into a litigious sausage machine.
Side Note: Still unable to load Instapundit or Powerline--their servers are obviously swamped.
(c'mon guys--you should have expected traffic like this!)
:: Max 6:45 PM [+] ::