:: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 ::
UN Meddling In US Election?
When GWB dropped both of his cowboy boots into the filthy rats-nest that's the UN, we should've all been prepared for them to react and it appears they've done so. Go to Powerline right now and check out this post which links to two great articles on this revolting situation.
If you ever wanted proof that John Kerry is a coward, this is it. Think about it for a moment, he'd sooner side with the venal crooks that inhabit the UN and a complicitous, dishonest media than his own country in a time of war (deja vu all over again?). I really despise John Kerry--he's a gold-digging, back-stabbing, cowardly weasle of the first order--a pretentious, phoney, empty suit of a man--certainly not someone who should be a hairsbreadth from the oval office--God what a pig.
I really try not get too hot about this stuff when I'm blogging but, given what appears to be happening here--THE UN ALTERING THE COURSE OF A US ELECTION!-- I'm having a little trouble keeping my composure.
:: Max 5:18 PM [+] ::