:: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 ::
A Question for Senator Kerry
The Democrats constantly bemoan the fact that terrorists are pouring into Iraq and that Iraq has become a haven for terrorists since Saddam was deposed--and the point is?
Dennis Praeger cuts to the chase:
"The claim that there are more, indeed many, terrorists in Iraq now is true. But the terrorists are there because they know that if America prevails in establishing a relatively free country where there once stood an America-hating terrorist-supporting Arab regime, they are ultimately doomed. Liberals love to find out the root causes of sociopathological behaviors. Well, one root cause of Islamic terror is the hermetically sealed Arab-Muslim world. Open that up to even some freedom, and the cesspool that produces the terrorist monsters begins to dry up.
That is why so many terrorists have moved to Iraq. They agree with President Bush--the war on terror is taking place in Iraq."
The Iraq thingy has the terrorists kind of occupied right now. What would they be doing if not fighting the Big Satan in Messopotamia Mr. Kerry--hmmm, I wonder.
:: Max 8:00 AM [+] ::