:: Saturday, October 30, 2004 ::
Loons'n Mooks'n Dem's Oh My!
So I'm talking to a Liberal friend and I brought up the matter of the election. He was cautious, looking into my eyes for a glimps into my intentions and then said "have you been listening to Pacifica?" I said, 'yea, I listen once in awhile-- for laughs'. He responded with a twitchy, eye-bobbing, nervous fidget and then said nothing. I looked at him with a quizzical grin and said 'Bob, you believe Bush and Chaney organized 9-11 don't you?' to which he said "yes". Now, although we had never discussed politics much, I had some suspicion that my friend was a Liberal which is OK by me--but I didn't think he was a moonbat! When he told me that he actually thought that Bush and Chaney had conspired to bring down the World Trade towers I just shook my head, laughed and said 'Bob, that's a ridiculous, irrational, conspiracy theory that is simply impossible to believe--could you tell me how Bush could possibly benefit from such an action--what possible motive could the President of the United States have for blowing up the World Trade Center? All he said was "it goes deeper than that". At this point, I realized I was talking to a madman, dropped the subject and moved on. As I walked away, I thought to myself, how could liberals actually believe this garbage? I was under the impression that these fantastic conspiracy theories were limited to the realm of the arch-rightwingers--the survivor-guys who live in tar-paper shacks in Montana.
But then I wake up and read the news today and I see that even some people in very high places, people who should know better, actually believe this kind of insane BS.
(I hope Karl Rove isn't monitoring the secret transmitter that he planted inside my tooth--it always gives me such a horrible headache!--oh no--there it goes again!...)
:: Max 10:44 AM [+] ::