:: Thursday, October 14, 2004 ::
2004 Voter Fraud
Instapundit points to Bill Hobbs who is keeping tabs on reports of voter fraud nationwide--drop in for a visit [>]
I just checked in and was redirected to Vodkapundit's excellent observations on the subject. Here's a little excerpt but read the whole thing--it's spot on:
"I don't mean to say that Republicans haven't used dirty tricks, or won't in the future. But I have yet to see them pull anything as crass as replacing a losing candidate with a more-popular one just weeks before election day, and in violation of state law. I have yet to see Republicans calling on the world's most corrupt international organization, run largely by apparatchiks from the world's most brutal dictatorships, to pass judgment on how we run our elections. I have yet to see the Republicans encouraging their own to commit fraud by shouting "Fraud!" where none yet exists, putting at risk everything we've built here in the last 228 years.
Because, in the end, that's what the national Democrats are doing: They're trying, however inadvertently, to destroy the Republic in order to rule it.
I really do believe the Democrats would not hesitate to destroy the Republic to regain their power--they can't win at the polls, they can't win in the arena of ideas so they trash the freakin system. When in 2000, Gore unleashed his lawyers in Florida, I thought it was the begining of the end--that he'd opened Pandora's box--God I hope I'm wrong.
:: Max 5:00 PM [+] ::