:: Monday, September 20, 2004 ::
This just in
Drudge is reporting--and he's even using a red font--that the New York Times is now reporting that CBS is now acknowledging that 60 Minutes has been duped! No--I'm not kidding--It now appears the Rather documents were fakes!
Boy, I'll bet it won't take long for this to get around the internet--there's all kinds of guys sitting around in their PJs just waiting for Dan Rather to break a story like this one! Sure am glad old Rather's on the case--might not have ever known otherwise...he sure is a smart fella...I'm told he flew all the way to Texas to get the scoop...they're now saying maybe somebody did this ON PURPOSE if you can believe that...I can't believe somebody would try to fake ole Dan out...what in the world were THEY thinking...maybe they thought Rather wouldn't notice that the documents were forgeries...maybe they thought it would be easy to slip forgeries past the legendary anchorman...boy were they wrong...he's all over this story like ticks on a Aunt Bessie's sheep-dog...
:: Max 1:38 AM [+] ::