:: Sunday, September 19, 2004 ::
"...the most frequent command in the Koran"
But how are we going to reform Islam if we can't guarantee some minimum level of safety for thinkers? How are we going to do this without freedom of speech? I'm not talking about the danger from a conservative society, as I believe that you can communicate with people and present new ideas in tactful ways without a very serious risk, but I'm talking about the danger that comes from dictators who do not want anyone to think for himself and come up with some new ideas that may disrupt the 'peace' they worked so hard to create in their kingdoms. We need to at least remove these tyrants before any reform could be even possible. They won't accept any change in the curriculum, for instance, that would endanger their positions, and the changes we think about definitely will do that. We have all seen their reaction to the change in Iraq; how terrified they are and how desperately they try to stop the change in Iraq. That should give us an idea of how they are going to deal with it in their own lands.
From Iraq the Model on the corruption of Islamism [>]
:: Max 11:29 PM [+] ::