:: Thursday, September 09, 2004 ::
Rather, 60 Minutes Use Counterfiet Docs?
CNS News.Com and Drudge are reporting documents used in last night's Bush smear by Dan Rather might be fakes. Typography experts are now suggesting the 'proportional type' used in the documents are computer generated and could not have been from the era suggested by the 60 Minutes report. Here's the CNS report. Here is a PDF file of the document in question.
When it rains it pours. This email is posted over at the Corner:
"We still have an IBM selectric in the office. I powered it up and typed at bit. The Letter Gothic ball has no smaller superscript "th". Interestingly, the repairman's sticker and phone number was on the machine. I called, just now. He was working on one when I spoke to him. He said positively, no ball he has ever seen has had a "th" together. He said, too, that it can't work as there are no keys on the typewriter with a "th". I suggested the 1/4 or 1/2 (which is available) could have been a substitute key if the ball had a "th" or "st", he said no. He mentioned that NASA approached him, years ago, to see about symbology (math symbols etc.) balls that could work. He couldn't help them with that.
Of course, Frank Rich will probably be the first out of the gate to blame the 'set-up' on Karl Rove. If Rove DID do this, he won't be able to keep a straight face for a week--it's just toooo perfect.
Update: What else can I say:
"I'm a Kerry supporter myself, but . . . I'm 99% sure that these documents were not produced in the early 1970s."
by Stephen F. Hayes
09/09/2004 7:20:00 PM
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