:: Thursday, September 09, 2004 ::
Media Bias Reminder
(Bet you won't find this in the 'paper of record')
In view of the unprecedented and excessive liberal bias in this year's election coverage, I though it appropriate to re-post the Stanford/UCLA/Chicago University study entitled "A Measure of Media Bias". For those of you who might be unfamiliar with it, this Sept. '03 study is the bane of Fox/Drudge bashers because it clearly demonstrates that both Drudge and Fox News were the most centrist of all the media considered in the study. Other media sources included in the report were the New York Times, The LA Times, USA Today, and all three network nightly-news shows, all of whom demonstrated "significant liberal bias" "to the left of the average member of Congress".
As UCLA, Stanford or Chicago universities can hardly be considered bastions of conservative thought, you might want to keep this report handy to shove in the face of your favorite liberal next time he tees-off on Fox or Drudge--might shut him up long enough for you to at least get a word in edgewise. Go for it [>]
:: Max 4:50 PM [+] ::