:: Saturday, August 21, 2004 ::
The real reason for the war in Iraq?
No Pasaran has linked to an elaborate shakedown of the Oil-for-Food scandal. Eric Svane has gone to some real trouble to put together this HUGE, link-filled chronical of the international graft that was Oil-for-Food. An excerpt:
It's looking more and more as if one of the best reasons to get rid of Saddam Hussein was that it was probably the only way to get rid of Oil-for-Food. The problem wasn't simply that this huge United Nations relief program for Iraq became a gala of graft, theft, fraud, palace-building and global influence-peddling--though all that was quite bad enough. The picture now emerging is that under U.N. management the Oil-for-Food program, which ran from 1996-2003, served as a cover not only for Saddam's regime to cheat the Iraqi people, but to set up a vast and intricate global network of illicit finance.
Mr. Svane observes that the nations that went into Iraq with the US were not merely the "coalition of the willing" but the coalition of the honest. Almost without exception, those who opposed the war, including Koffi Annan were lavishly benefitting from the scheme that enabled Saddam Hussein's brutal regime. Svane's well-researched site is a compendium of the facts and conjectures on Oil-for-Food--bookmark it for future reference.
(somebody get Simon on the phone)
:: Max 7:26 AM [+] ::