:: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 ::
Oh, That Liberal Media contrasts LA Times Bush AWOL coverage to the Kerry Swiftboat coverage with predictable results:
What sort of coverage has the Times given to the "Bush was AWOL" story? In summary, the paper has run at least seven stories mentioning the controversy, including two stories on the front page. The stories consistently emphasized the contrast between Bush's service in the National Guard and Kerry's award-winning and allegedly heroic service in Vietnam. The stories frequently quoted John Kerry's complaints that he didn't know all the facts behind Bush's military record. Finally, the stories downplayed the partisan motivations behind the AWOL accusations.
The contrast between the coverage of the "Bush was AWOL" story and the Swift Boat Vets' accusations could not be clearer.
This insidious form of journalism is boring. If they'd just tell the truth, they'd sell twice as many papers and then they wouldn't have to lie about their circulation stats as well.
Besides, the truth just makes a better story anyway: both John Kerry and George Bush have equally sketchy resumes.
:: Max 12:11 AM [+] ::