:: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 ::
A dozen unshaven young people in batik gathered at the entrance to the Sheep's Meadow to play tambourines and bongos and sing anti-war songs. Trouble is, no-one could remember any words beyond the chorus, so the whole thing devolved into a lot of nah-nah-nahing, interrupted occasionally by an enthusiastic burst of "Stop, children, what's that sound" or the like. Keeping time with a bongo or tambourine must also be tougher than I thought, judging from the many abortive starts ("Okay, one, two...Jingle-chuchunga-jingle...no, that's not right, let Mary start off with the bongo...one, two...chuchunga-jingle...no, that's not right either...") I was also amused by the dozen or so sad-looking middle aged women who mustered at Strawberry Fields to sing "Imagine". I can only admire their commitment to diversity--which extended even to the key(s) in which they sang--but from the look of the group I couldn't help thinking that "Eleanor Rigby" would have been more appropriate.
Bet they wish they still had their short-term memories--it comes in handy if you're the bongo guy.
Adeimantus via Dean's World [>]
:: Max 2:18 PM [+] ::