:: Wednesday, August 25, 2004 ::
Free Speech VS 527s
Washington Post's Robert J. Samuelson comments on McCain-Feingold's deconstruction of the First Amendment:
"The presidential campaign has confirmed that, under the guise of "campaign finance reform," Congress and the Supreme Court have repealed large parts of the First Amendment. They have simply discarded what were once considered constitutional rights of free speech and political association. It is not that these rights have vanished. But they are no longer constitutional guarantees. They're governed by limits and qualifications imposed by Congress, the courts, state legislatures, regulatory agencies -- and lawyers' interpretations of all of the above.
The 527 loophole in McCain-Feingold has had the exact opposite effect of reducing money in politics while simultaneously eroding the constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech. Mr. Samuelson says rightly, that should Americans be forced to choose between a bad law and the constitution, they'll pick the constitution every time. Read the whole thing [>]
Related: Senator Kerry apparently has no regard for the first amendment to the constitution. According to him, the swifties don't have a right to speak their mind--surprising given they risked their lives to defend that right. Unbelievable.
:: Max 7:38 AM [+] ::