:: Monday, July 19, 2004 ::
Waking Up
Well...it's from ITM so there is reason for optimism. The Bush doctrine seems to be gaining steam in the Middle East and, contrary to Moore's absurd conspiracy theory, the ultimate victims seem to be the autocrats and monarchs including those who inhabit the House of Saud. It'll take many years for democracy to take root but it seems the horse is out of the barn [>]
Update: VDH articulates the meme:
In other words, Kerry and Edwards sense that Iraq has had some strange -- but as yet not fully understood -- positive effects that are just beginning to ripple out. Are Middle Eastern autocracies and monarchies such as Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia talking more or less about democratic reform after Saddam's removal? Are rogue regimes such as Iran and Syria now more or less worried about scrutiny of their terrorist subsidies?
The ME autocrats are understandably worried; their opressed masses are asking all the right questions. This is bad news for the hapless Chirac who is praying on his hands and knees for the new regime in Iraq to fail.
Update: It's a war of ideas and the House of Saud is caught between the rock of democracy and the hard place of Islamofascism. Either way, the future appears to be kind of sketchy for the Royal Family.
:: Max 11:44 PM [+] ::