:: Monday, June 28, 2004 ::
Old Allies Not Critical to New World Order
Wretchard forecasts smaller involvement for France/Germany on larger world stage:
Yet many politicians, perhaps misled by their own youthful memories, continue to act and behave on subconscious assumptions half a century old. The accusation that President Bush was guilty of willful dereliction by not making the United Nations, France and Germany equal partners in the War on Terror is rooted in an inflated conception of their actual importance. Whatever the prestige these hoary old names may conjure, in practical terms their cooperation is probably less vital than that of Pakistan or Israel.
Some have derided the US coalition against terror, comprised of nontraditional names like Korea, Japan, Singapore, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Kazakhstan as a kind of pickup team fielded by a desperate America only because it couldn't get first-string Germany, France and Belgium to play. But this is unjust; it is not a temporary condition but a harbinger of a new state of the world. It's not that NATO has gotten smaller, just that the world has gotten bigger.
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:: Max 11:26 PM [+] ::