:: Sunday, June 27, 2004 ::
Moore's Psychotic Fantasy
Matt Labash of The Weekly Standard has, possibly, the most even-handed critique of Fahrenheit 9/11 in print:
And it is why real questions should be continuously asked, and skepticism applied. The kind of skepticism that forces leaders to account for whether they've taken the right course of action. Not the crank, grab bag of stitched-together conspiracies that encourages Moore's political opponents to be reflexively dismissive--and causes the leftish reviewer sitting next to me to say, "He infuriates me because he makes my arguments badly."
There is plenty of grist for skeptics of the war to argue that the chances of a shiny, happy democracy's flowering in Iraq reside somewhere between slim and nil. But those are still better odds than the ones on Moore's someday making an intellectually honest film.
I'm betting history will ultimately reprieve GWB on the war in Iraq--much like the Berlin Wall did for Reagan. Hopefully, it'll happen quickly enough to discredit this lying, seditious, self-loathing, pig.
:: Max 11:08 PM [+] ::