:: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 ::
Hillary Namesake of New Zealand Bee-Keeper?
You gotta respect Clinton's style. He is very much the archtypal, old-school, southern politician who endears himself to the local rabble by personalizing his stump speech at every whistle-stop with a charming homily unique to the venue. With a knowing grin and a twinkle in his blue eyes, Slick Willy reaches right around your waiste, cobs your wallet and then vanishes into thin air. Later, after the Magic Bubba Dust has settled, you find yourself patting down your empty pockets.
The real biography of William Jefferson Clinton will someday chronicle the high-octane banditry of the roaring 90s. And somehow, someway, our boy will probably come out on top.
:: Max 11:16 AM [+] ::