:: Monday, May 31, 2004 ::
Unsolitary Solitaire:
The June issue of Wired magazine reports online gaming is reaching a new demographic: Geezers! Sites like Pogo.com offer lo-tech favorites like bridge, euchre and backgammon and according to the article, the 82.5 million players in the 'casual gaming' community take it very seriously. Wired reports:
The ruling class of online gamers isn't pimply young boys, it's moms--and grandmas. Ruth Lyon is a 66-year-old retired nurse in Honor, Michigan. Instead of watching Jeopardy or reading, she spends three or four hours a night playing euchre and bridge online with her son in California and her daughter in Ohio. And since she lives tucked away in a cottage on a remote lake, she finds it a convenient way to make friends. "It's amazing how many older people are doing this," she says. Online games also help Anne Richards, 56, feel less alone. Confined to a wheel chair, Richards spends a lot of time inside her Florida home. "What I really like is that it's a place to find some human contact," she says. "It gives me a place to go."
Lyon and Richards are among the millions--mostly women 35 to 54--who play casual games online. It's a gray market that earns companies $450 million annually, largely through advertising (less than 2 percent of players actually pay to subscribe). And talk about sticky: Pogo's players spend about 24.8 million hours on the site each month, says Nielsen/NetRatings. "Checkers is a big pickup scene,"
I just checked into Pogo and, as of 9:30 am central time, there were 148,027 people playing online games. Yikes!
:: Max 8:52 AM [+] ::