:: Thursday, May 27, 2004 ::
Hinderaker Fisks Gore's...umm..tedious and nonlinear hortatory speech over at Powerline:
"Liberals hate America. They never admit it, but it's true. Here is a small but revealing moment in Gore's hysterical tirade that shows, I think, what he really believes:
[Speaking of torture] "We all know these things, and we need not reassure ourselves and should not congratulate ourselves that our society is less cruel than some others, although it is worth noting that there are many that are less cruel than ours."
Got that? America is "less cruel than some," but "more cruel than many." We just need to apologize for our errors, bow our heads in submission, and take instruction from the majority of nations in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America who are so well qualified to give us lessons in the avoidance of cruelty. If you believe this, you may as well stop reading; you are a hard-core Kerry voter."
Looks to me like Dean sneezed and Gore caught dementia.
:: Max 9:50 PM [+] ::