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:: MAX BLACK ::"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."--C.S. Lewis "The Swiss pocket knife of conservative thought on the web..." - Eli Kardrakian "Bookmark Max and dump your subscription to the newspaper; if you don't have a birdcage you really don't need it anyway..." - Shirley St. James | ||
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:: Monday, October 31, 2005 :: YOUR AD HERE BOO!
Like him or hate him cast your vote in the SCOTUS poll... Quote of the day: No Pasaran's Joe N. on the state of the French economy where the inmates have assumed full control of the asylum:"It amounts to a situation where there is a special class of seamen pounding a hole through the bottom of the boat in order to demand better life-rafts from people who are up to their necks in water."
:: Sunday, October 30, 2005 ::
"the left's still panting orgasmically about Patrick Fitzgerald's investigation into what Scooter Libby said to Judith Miller about what Valerie Plame knew about what Joseph C. Wilson IV said . . . zzzz . . . fingers growing heavy . . . losing the will to type . . ." "Our judgement of Islam has been grossly distorted by taking the extremes to the norm...For example, people in this country frequently argue that the Sharia law of the Islamic world is cruel, barbaric and unjust. Our newspapers, above all, love to peddle those unthinking prejudices. The truth is, of course, different and always more complex. My own understanding is that extremes, like the cutting off of hands, are rarely practised. The guiding principle and spirit of Islamic law, taken straight from the Qur'an, should be those of equity and compassion." Sunday Blog Highlight: Of Arms and the Law :: Saturday, October 29, 2005 ::"Clear Channel pays Michael Savage's syndicator at least $1 million per year to run on KNEW, Air America has the opposite arrangement, spending a staggering sum to place its programming on San Francisco's KQKE-AM and KTLK-AM in Los Angeles. That's a result of market forces, an increasingly foreign concept in the Bay Area. Thinking about a new digital camera? Digital Photography Review is your one-stop source for technical assesments of all the latest gear. Of course, I'm still in love with the 6 megapixel Fuji E550 - what an incredibly cool little camera.
:: Friday, October 28, 2005 ::"...every place they put us on, we go up and the right-wing stations go down." In the name of 'diversity', French move to block the expansion of "American culture" (?!)...I really don't know how to respond to this level of progressive moonbattery except to say it's predictable. OK, here's Eurosoc's report on the "manifesto for alternative globalisation" [yuk yuk]. We link, you wrap your skull in duct-tape to keep your head from exploding. Tim Blair posts Lisa Huang Fleischman's email to the NYTs public editor, Byron Calame regarding the 2000th American soldier death in Iraq. It's a spot-on outing of an increasingly irrelevant news resource that appears to be heading the way of anchorman-in-denial Dan Rather - into oblivion. :: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 ::"Is the investigation finished? It's not over,...But - very rarely do you bring a charge in a case that's going to be tried in which you ever end a grand jury investigation. I can tell you that the substantial bulk of the work of this investigation is concluded."
An informed emailer to Jonah Goldberg at the Corner poses an interesting question:"Why hasn't Ms. Wilson been investigated? Intelligence analysts are prohibited by their mission (and by law, I think) from making or interfering with policy. By actively pushing her husband for this Niger mission she was clearly and knowingly interfering with policy. Wilson was an acknowledged Bush and administration foe. She had to know that his "fact finding mission" would be perfunctory at best. She should have been thrown out of the Agency long ago." USA Today Mangles Condi Photo Here's the website for Special Counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald and of course, check in with Tom Maguire for a clinical disection of the ongoing PlameGate fiasco...:: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 ::
"...an understanding of the White House motive might be enriched if the media admitted that Wilson lacked credibility, and that "discrediting" him amounted to correcting the record." Who's Yer Daddy? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... It's no different than Clinton?!"... he helped Monica Lewinsky write a false affidavit denying sexual relations with him; he intended the false affidavit to be used during his deposition, and in fact his lawyer (Bob Bennett) did use (unwittingly) the false affidavit to try to convince the judge overseeing the deposition (Susan Webber Wright) to limit questions to Clinton during the deposition; Clinton himself confirmed the accuracy of the false Lewinsky affidavit during his deposition; and Clinton lied repeatedly during the sworn deposition about his relationship with Lewinsky. There were no problems with bad recollections or unintended omissions. As Judge Wright ruled in her contempt holding against Clinton, Clinton made "intentionally false" statements. Clinton also enlisted others to lie for him. And considering the Jones lawsuit was about sexual harassment, and Jones's lawyers were trying to establish a practice and pattern of sexual misconduct to win their civil suit, this was no side issue. And yet, Clinton was not indicted. Robert Ray, the last of the independent counsels in the case, settled the case." Hearst News Service - Helen Thomas, 82, White House Correspondent : helent@hearstdc.com :: Monday, October 24, 2005 :: "The chafing restrictions of civilization, which can at times become irksome to people of any color, may be vicariously thrown off by those white intellectuals who cheer on outlandish and even lawless behavior by black hoodlums or entertainers. Blacks in effect become the mascots of these [progressive, ed.] intellectuals, symbolizing and acting out the latter's resistance to "society" - or, more accurately, civilization." "I never claimed to have 'debunked' the allegation that Iraq was seeking uranium from Africa." "Usufruct"; an arcane legal concept. Basically it means "I'm from the Government and I'm here to take your house" Good God Almighty, this is HUGE; Huge I tell ya... Letterman pitches softballs to Al [Im a political pundit and possible Senatorial candidate in your dreams] Franken. The Political teen nabs the cringe-packed spectacle for your viewing pleasure...:: Sunday, October 23, 2005 :: The very definition of tyranny - [No?] Roger Simon neatly frames the Plame fiasco:"To think that a few individuals may be indicted for this is grossly unfair. The whole bunch on all sides, especially and including the lawyers and the media, should be indicted for boring us all to death with this trivial episode about the semi-outing of a non-secret agent." I oppose the Miers nomination:: Saturday, October 22, 2005 :: Aussie journalist, Stephen Dupont, who shot the "controversial" video of burning Taliban corpses says media got it all wrong:"I actually believe that the guys who were involved in the burning did it with honorable, you know, reasons. They did it through their orders, or they did if for hygiene. I had no doubt in my mind that they were telling me the truth. If they were doing something that was problematic or controversial, there's no way they would have shown me this. There's no way they would have let me go up there and film this." :: Friday, October 21, 2005 ::Al Franken: "Now it's much better...now we have 70 affiliates, about 63 percent of the country." "...with over 200,000 Iraqi security forces, various local policemen, and American and Coalition troops, there are perhaps nearly 400,000 actively opposed to the terrorists. The number is growing rather than shrinking. We are seeing more enlistments than defections. The result is that, incrementally and insidiously, Americans are less and less in the position of being the cop, swat-team, or battalion that Iraqis see daily as the providers of their order and security. As in the case of fewer visible diplomats, so too fewer observable soldiers shift the onus onto the Iraqis to solidify - or lose - their gift of democracy." :: Thursday, October 20, 2005 ::"the more you blog, the better you feel -- so post your blog at every meal." DOWDFEST AT STARBUCKS AT NOON!!!!
Joan Rivers, what a piece of work - here's the audio: "HOW DARE YOU?! HOW DARE YOU call me a racist?!!! Just added a quick link to everything Wilma located on blogroll under "Max Recommends" on the blogroll. Does FedEx NEED Europe? Hmmmm...:: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 :: The Trial of The Century Highlight: Autoblog. It's good. :: Monday, October 17, 2005 ::"The essence of bigotry is denying others the same rights you claim for yourself. Green bigots are a classic example..." Sandmonkey, offers a perscription for depressed Egyptians: Vodka. Really, I hadn't given it much thought but people do seem to be wound a bit tightly over there. C'mon guys, live a little! Now playing: Fun With Sonic Booms! [amazing] Update: I just realized the link sucks and I can't get it to work via Blogger - Instead, just copy and paste this url into your search engine for the vid: http://www.kettering.edu/~drussell/Demos/doppler/mach1.mpg. Should work. :: Sunday, October 16, 2005 ::"I think the Americans do it just to wind us up. First they send some black woman piano-player to lecture us, now they send a blond Jewess to ask you impertinent questions. If she were one of my wives, I'd slap her round the mouth." "Why is George W. Bush's utterly unremarkable evangelical Christianity so self-evidently risible but complaints from British Muslims hung up over the 11th century are perfectly reasonable and something we should seek to accommodate? Where is the secular Left's "insensitivity" when you need it? No doubt the bien pensants will still be hooting at born-again Texans on the day the House of Lords gives a second reading to the Sharia Bill." "...black men in America are the only group ever to march in protest of themselves..." Now Playing: Kwaaaaa! [via SondraK]:: Friday, October 14, 2005 :: "I'm by no means a fan of the Miers nomination, but I seriously doubt the Judiciary Committee is going to embarrass her. To do that, the senators would have to have some grasp of constitutional law themselves..." "I'm a gyno-American and I strenuously object..." Coulter's on a roll - go see for yourself...:: Monday, October 10, 2005 :: I can stop anytime I want to...really: Well, maybe just one more post [liar!]::: Thursday, October 06, 2005 ::On the French via Horsefeathers: Welcome to Prairie Fire, my little news aggregator. I've decided to take a break from posting largely due to the fact the wonderful bloggers in my blogroll (to your left) are doing such an amazing job - frankly, I don't really NEED to blog. In any case, I will continue to keep the blogroll fresh because nowadays, it's my sole source of news. This page is the first thing I see in the morning, and usually the last thing I see before I go to bed; because of it, I no longer have any need whatever for the newspaper or nightly news. So although you won't find alot of pithy commentary from ole Max, you will find a clean, up-to-date, easy to navigate, uncluttered blogroll for your enjoyment. One more post? OK, put down your coffee and get a load of this...
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